What Is A Transcreation Brand Strategy?

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A transcreation brand strategy is a communication process that aims to deliver a clear and concise branding message across a foreign speaking audience where the language and cultural perceptions act as barriers. For instance, if you are an athlete that forms part of a basketball team, you wouldn’t set your goal only to reach the playoffs. Why sacrifice so much time, money, and effort to aim so short. You strive to play some 60 plus games as if each and everyone was the last one. You give it all your sweat and tears for the joy of getting the championship ring.

The transcreation brand strategy goes beyond a simple translation or creative content writing (matching tone and intent). Instead, the process starts by researching, crafting, and adapting various branding strategic elements.

The same logic should be applied to audiences or potential customers whose primary language is different from ours. A simple translation or transcreation campaign won’t narrow the gap between a customer’s view of a product/service or increase the perception and gut feeling towards a brand. The approach is similar to an athlete with a low mentality aiming to reach the playoffs as an ultimate goal.

The purpose is to play each game with a unique strategy since no team is alike. This means going to the drawing board and looking at various elements and outside variables that may affect a desirable result. The transcreation brand framework does just that. Provides a strategic platform where the basketball players are key elements such as brand personality, attributes, customer persona, and points of difference, to name a few. The players have a systematic approach, a specific tone of communication that allows them to score customers, and a defense mechanism that evaluates and adjust in response to external variables, such as changes in social behavior or new competitors entering the market. The process also comprises external branding insights, social-cultural demographics, and various industry-specific data metrics.

Transcreation Brand Strategy definition

A transcreation brand strategy is a communication process that aims to deliver a clear and concise branding message that connects, empathizes, and renders delight across a foreign speaking audience where the language and cultural perceptions act as barriers.

This unique strategy turns personas into brand-loyal customers by connecting and instituting authenticity to their message. In other words, personas should be sold into a brand, as opposed to a transcreation or translation campaign that aims for a quick sell with quick returns that won’t pay big dividends in the long run. Transcreation brand strategy enables companies to continue a journey far beyond the finals, positioning them into a Dynasty role.

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